
Exams just ended. Another year checked off. Another step closer to inevitability.

Personally I’ve never believed in endings. I’ve always liked to think that things don’t end, they continue. This maybe the truth, but that does not make it any less grieving. Sometimes, you don’t want things to continue, you want them to end. Fresh starts and what not. And even though I’ve always preferred continuity, the last few days have shown me that endings do exist. Time does not flow backwards. And so, here we are. Another end. Another beginning. Three years of my university, spent.

I was waiting for this day for a long time.

But it’s here.

So here I am. Glancing back before time reminds me of the direction it flows.

You know why I don’t like endings?

Because they make you grateful. The year I’ve had, I should not be exactly that. Sometimes though, it’s better to look back one more time and relive memories, good or bad before you start walking forward again. This year has been hard. Heartbreaks and crashes. But however painful it might have been, sometimes endings do work their magic. Sometimes being glad things happened is the only way to accept their demise.

Even though this year can in no way be called a good one, I did teach me a thing or two. They say that the lessons you learn when you fall are the lessons you need to rise. This fall has taught me a lot. I’ve learned that friendship is something unconditional. That your family, is always there. That hurting people, hurts. That accepting is sometimes hard, but necessary. That expectations, falter. But most importantly that, as soon as you cross that point in time when things end, Things begin.

And so here I am. Bidding farewell to everything that happened. To every good, bad, ugly, sad, joyous occurrence that occurred.

“Good” Bye & Fare Thee Well

Time to Move forward.

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